We are an Unapologetic Black Network that is creating varied, intelligent, entertaining and thought provoking content that will uplift and strengthen black people and communities. While at the same time providing a window to other cultures into the vast diaspora of ideas and opinions of different people of African Descent from around the world.
We are dedicated to changing the face of Urban Media and connecting people of African descent all across the globe while providing urban business owners a place to reach progressive Urban consumers! We are also a full service Marketing & Media company capable of taking your idea from concept to construction.
Building on the 7 Principles of Kwanzaa, we will use our voice as a way to facilitate the growth and communal harmony that is present throughout African history. We are dedicated to changing the world by changing the way we see ourselves and in the process changing how others see us as well! We will continue to be about the business of Black Economic Growth, Stronger & Better Black Communities & Building a Legacy for our Children! Then through these processes we will then continue on the path to Fair & Equal UNITY of ALL People!